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Natuzzi Editions2020 Weneedto definea brand DNA , outliningitsdistinctivefeatures and whatmakesitunique, in order to supporta moveinto retail asa lifestylebrand. OurGoal. Create a strong consumer brand perceptionNatuzzi Editions 2020 Unlikethe Natuzzi Italia brand, whichbeganlife asa retailbrand, Natuzzi Editions startedup asa wholesaler and todayisswitchingto becomea retailer. Brand Evolution. From wholesale to retailNatuzzi Editions 2020 Oursisa heterogeneoustarget audience, occupyingthe mid-market segment. Thispositioningrequiresa brand thatwill be perceivedby ourtarget consumers as versatile. Positioning. Market opportunities PURE DESIGN BRANDS RETAIL BRANDS High End (18%) Mid Market (50%) Entry level (32%)Natuzzi Editions 2020 Welive in a world wheretemporaland spatialbarriersare slowlydisappearing and identitiestendto disintegrate and come togetheragainin a whirlwind of contamination. Asa consequence, lifestylesare also changing: homesare becomingplaces wherewelive life to the full, withoutany physicalor mentalbarriers. With itsglobal soul, Natuzzi Editions capturesmomentsfrom allcorners Of the globe, inspiredby the sheer diversityof ourplanet. Customerinsight. Findyourworld in the worldNatuzzi Editions 2020 Natuzzi Editionslooksto the colorfulvarietieswhichthe world hasto offerusNatuzzi Editions 2020 As humans, our souls are nourished by shared experiences and stories. Each one of us different, and yet we are all the same. Cultures, traditions and beliefs color our baggage and enrich it, helping us to develop a deep respect for the world and for the people who live there. Our eyes are lively and attentive, capturing and shaping the desires for beauty, comfort and hospitality that characterize each of us in different, yet always unique and surprising ways. We thirst for knowledge and meetings of minds, music and smiles, kindness and humanity. ManifestoNatuzzi Editions 2020 To satisfythe growingdemandsof consumers and entertheirlifestyle, the productrangewillcontinue to expandtowardsthe conceptof totalhome. Merchandising. Total home.Next >